Gear Pump


A positive displacement pump transports fluids by trapping a fixed amount of the liquid and forcing it into the discharge pipe. The movement is started by two or three spindles that move in opposite directions of each other; pumping and thus displacing the liquid.

Gear PumpWorking Principle Of Gear Pump:

The Gear pump is a rotary positive displacement pump that moves fluid using the rotary motion of the pumping elements.
Reliable & easy to maintain.
Shaft seal options.
Porting options

Gear PumpViking Internal Gear Pump

Internal Gear pumping principle was pioneered by VIKING pump over 100 years ago and continues to be one of Viking’s most renowned products.
Viking General Purpose:
Viking Series 32 pumps are extremely well suited for light, medium and intermittent service handling a variety of liquids. Viking’s unique and unusually simple pump construction makes it adaptable to many diversified installations. The pumps possess excellent vacuum characteristics and will operate and prime at suction lift- up to 25 feet. It can be provided with extended shaft for special applications.
Material Of Construction & Configuration Option:
Cast iron,.
Steel, Cast iron.
Carbon graphite, bronze, hardened cast iron, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and other specials materials as needed.
Lip seals, packing, Single mechanical seals.

Gear PumpUniversal Product Line

The Universal Product Line has the broadest range of sealing options of all pumps built by Viking. The stuffing box on all sizes accepts packing, numerous component single mechanical seals, or a wide variety of cartridge seals.
The Universal Product Line is Viking Pump’s most versatile line of internal gear pumps due to the availability of many design and material options.
Material Of Construction & Configuration Option:

Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.

Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, hardened steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.
Carbon graphite, bronze, hardened cast iron, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and other specials materials as needed.
Lip seals, packing, O-Pro seals, component mechanical seals, industry-standard cartridge mechanical seals, API 682 seals, special for abrasive liquids, and seals less magnetic couplings.
Special Features
Comes with jacketing and electrical heat tracing option for high temperature and temperature sensitive liquids.
For low or high viscosities, high temperatures, or to compensate for wear over time.
Can accommodate any seal because of big stuffing box.

Gear PumpMag Drive Pump

The Mag drive Series is the ideal sealing technology within Viking’s Product Line pumps.
In this Canister is hermetically sealed, providing the highest level of liquid containment available by eliminating traditional dynamic shaft seals traditionally associated with hazardous, hard-to-seal, or expensive liquids. It also eliminates housekeeping issues and downtime due to seal failure. This product is designed to handle a broad range of applications (such as caustics, isocyanates, adhesives, solvents and mercaptans). the Mag drive series may be run dry for short periods, such as for clear lines when unloading, or in the case of accidental empty tank situations.
Material Of Construction & Configuration Option:
Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.
Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, hardened steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.
Carbon graphite, bronze, hardened cast iron, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and other specials materials as needed.

Seal less magnetic coupling.

Special Features

Gear PumpMotor Speed Pump

Viking’s Motor Speed Product Line internal gear pumps represent a technological advance in the science of flow with thin liquids. Through new techniques of feeding the rotor and idler, Viking has achieved what was once considered impossible – high flow rates operating at motor speeds.
Material Of Construction & Configuration Option:
Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.
Cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, and other alloys.
Carbon graphite, bronze, hardened cast iron, silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and other specials materials as needed.
Single mechanical, Seal less magnetic coupling.
Special Features:
Direct drive with no gear reducer
Heavy duty design with sealed-for-life bearings
Behind-the-rotor mechanical seals

Gear PumpExternal Gear Pump

Viking external gear is an extensive series of precision, industrial-duty external gear pumps that develop higher pressures and offer a similarly broad range of options to handle a diverse range of liquids and applications.
These pumps were designed for greatest reliability, with standard features like spur-type gears, helical gears and rolling element anti-friction bearings (instead of bushings, which wear every time a pump is stopped, and the hydrodynamic film is lost).
Unwanted leaks are prevented by using the best sealing technology available, including single or duplex lip seals, single mechanical component seals.
Material Of Construction & Configuration Option:
Ductile iron, carbon filled PVDF.
Steel, alumina ceramic
Steel, carbon filled PTFE.
Carbon, silicon carbide, needle bearings
Lip seal, component mechanical seal, seal less magnetic couplings.
Special Features:

External Gear Pump's Market & Applications

Pulp & Paper
Personal Care
Water & Wastewater
Coatings & Sealants

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